Tower 1 Avenue 5 Bangsar South City 59200 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia T: +603 2297 1000 F: +603 2282 9980 Email : Mr. Heng Fu Joe 02966/11/2024 J 28/02/2024 - 27/02/2026 3 Baker Tilly
value of the independent appraiser whom certified by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Thailand. The appraiser Name : Brent Joe Cosens Consulting Co.,Ltd. Method of valuation : Market comparison
Limited” and to distribute various products by classified as follows: Cosmetics: Comprising of cosmetics for face and body under the brands: Covermark, Sungrace, KMA, Paul & Joe and hair care products under
หลายประเภท โดยแบ่งเป็นกลุ่มผลติภณัฑห์ลกัไดด้งันี้ กลุ่มผลิตภณัฑเ์คร่ืองส ำอำง ประกอบด้วยเครื่องส าอางส าหรับผิวหน้า/ผิวกาย เช่น Covermark, Sungrace, KMA, Paul & Joe และผลิตภัณฑ์ การดูแลรกัษาเส้นผม เช่น
Registration No. 201302884H Directors 1. Hugo Jacques Conrad Desrosiers, 2. Joseph James Hoess, 3. Yin Ying Foo, 4. Edward Thomas Douglas, 5. Lee Wei Hsiung Total registered and paid-up capital 7,896,800 US
Techakraisri 2. Mr. Chotipol Techakraisri 3. Mr. Chumpol Techakraisri 4. Mr. Timothy Joseph Grady Summary of the Statement of : The Financial Statements as of December 31, 2017 Financial Position and Operating
. Mr. Chumpol Techakraisri 4. Mr. Timothy Joseph Grady Summary of the Statement of : The Financial Statements as of December 31, 2017 Financial Position and Operating Cash and Saving Deposit
Conrad Desrosiers, 2. Joseph James Hoess, 3. Yin Ying Foo, 4. Edward Thomas Douglas, 5. Lee Wei Hsiung ทุนที่ออกและเรียกช าระแล้ว จ านวน 7,896,800 ดอลลาร์สหรัฐฯ ประกอบด้วยหุ้นสามญัจ านวน 7,896,800 หุ้น มลู
1 August 17, 2018 Subject: Capital Increase for Offering for Sale to Specific Investors (Private Placement), Connected Transaction, Amendments to Articles of Association/Objectives of the Company and Determination of the Date of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2018 To: President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Enclosures: 1. Information Memorandum on the Offering of Newly Issued Ordinary Shares to Specific Investors (Private Placement) at the Offering Price with a Discount of...
1 August 17, 2018 Subject: Capital Increase for Offering for Sale to Specific Investors (Private Placement), Connected Transaction, Amendments to Articles of Association/Objectives of the Company and Determination of the Date of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2018 To: President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Enclosures: 1. Information Memorandum on the Offering of Newly Issued Ordinary Shares to Specific Investors (Private Placement) at the Offering Price with a Discount of...