Antella Investment Inc. Between 1997 and 2000, Antella Investment Inc. operated securities brokerage businesses, soliciting foreign clients to invest in securities, in Thailand under the name of
invest in securities, in Thailand under the name of " Gulf Pacific Asset Management Ltd." without proper licenses granted, violating Section 90. The public prosecutor issued a prosecution order
Mr. Robert Edward Jowett Between July 2004 and 17 December 2004, Mr. Robert Edward Jowett with other alleged persons operated securities brokerage business, soliciting foreign clients to invest in
, and procedures as specified in the Notification of the SEC Office by managing 15 mutual funds to invest in other mutual funds under SCBAM’s management more than one level. SEC Act S.125(1) and 126/1
, and procedures as specified in the Notification of the SEC Office by managing SCB set index fund to invest in other mutual fund under SCBAM’s management. SEC Act S.125(1) and 126/1 in conjunction
), misappropriated PPPC's money to invest in and pay off debts of the companies over which he had full control for his own benefit, causing damage to PPPC's property, violating Section 307, 308 & 311
Bill Trade Co.,Ltd. Between 10 February and 23 April 2003, Bill Trade Co.,Ltd. with other alleged persons operated securities brokerage businesses, soliciting clients to invest in securities listed
Bowen Reece Co., Ltd. Between August 2001 and 22 May 2003, Bowen Reece Co., Ltd. with other alleged persons operated securities brokerage business and solicited foreign clients to invest in
Harvey Dunbar Co., Ltd. Between August 2001 and 22 May 2003, Harvey Dunbar Co., Ltd. with other alleged persons operated securities brokerage business solicited foreign clients to invest in
Desktop Marketing Co.,Ltd. Between August 2001 and 22 May 2003, Desktop Marketing Co.,Ltd. with other alleged persons operated securities brokerage business and solicited foreign clients to invest in