information of sustainability development strategy and performance can be found in AIS Sustainability Report 2023. Link to sustainability report:
information of sustainability development strategy and performance can be found in AIS Sustainability Report 2023. Link to sustainability report:
operation S ig n if ic a n c e t o s ta k e h o ld e rs as of 2023 More information of sustainability development strategy and performance can be found in AIS Sustainability Report 2023. Link to
Floor (Room B), Interlink Tower, Debaratna Road, Bangna-Tai Sub-district, Bangna District, Bangkok and to confer the power upon the executive committee or chief executive officer or persons authorized by
”) ครั้งที่ 11/2562 เมื่อวันที่ 18 กันยายน 2562 ได้มีมติอนุมัติการจําหน่ายเงินลงทุนในบริษัท เอ็มล้ิงค์ ช็อป จํากัด (“M-LINK”) ซึ่งเป็น บริษัทย่อยของ 7UP โดย 7UP ถือหุ้นอยู่ใน M-LINK เป็นสัดส่วนร้อยละ 95 โดย
6, 2017, under the approval of the Company’s Audit Committee’s Meeting No.7/2017 held on November 10, 2017, has passed the resolution to approve financial support from Link Capital I (Mauritius
on November 6, 2017, under the approval of the Company’s Audit Committee’s Meeting No.7/2017 held on November 10, 2017, has passed the resolution to approve financia l support from Link Capital I
Confidential. Do not distribute. Link 12 Bac
/2019 held on February 26, 2019, has passed the resolution to approve additional financial support from Link Capital I (Mauritius) Limited (“Link Capital I”) in form of a secured loan for the amount of
Company”) No.3/2562 held on 29 April 2019, has passed the resolution to approve financial support from Link Capital I (Mauritius) Limited (“Link Capital I”) in addition of USD 4 million or equivalent to THB