full service automated banking agent and lending service, and to the product and service distribution platform in high-growth industry through nationwide coverage intelligent kiosks, which will expand
1 Forth Smart Service Public Company Limited (FSMART) FY18 Management Discussion and Analysis Operational Summary in FY18 2018 Operational Summary Total revenue from core business was Bt3,339mn
1 Forth Smart Service Public Company Limited (FSMART) 2Q18 Management Discussion and Analysis Operational Summary in 2Q18 Total revenue from core business was Bt848.81mn, an increase of 10.4% YoY
1 Forth Smart Service Public Company Limited (FSMART) 2Q18 Management Discussion and Analysis Operational Summary in 2Q18 Total revenue from core business was Bt848.81mn, an increase of 10.4% YoY
10.5mn. No. of Rabbit LinePay users reached 5.5mn users, an increase of 83.0% in 2018/19, surpassing the full-year target at 5.3mn users. Delivered more than 200,000 smart product samples with Kerry
. Pinthong Industrial Estate (5thProject) 19. TFD I.E. (2ndProject) 20. Yamato industries I.E. 21. Smart Park I.E. 22. Asia Clean 23. Rojana Nongyai 24. Rojana Lamchabang 25. WHA Industrial Estate (Rayong) 26
1 Forth Smart Service Public Company Limited (FSMART) 3Q18 Management Discussion and Analysis Operational Summary 9M18 Operational Summary Total revenue from core business was Bt2,523mn, increasing
”) – “District 9 Project: Digital Industrial Zones and Intelligent Communities”, which is a project to study the guidelines for smart city development to satisfy the demand of production, commerce, energy, and
PowerPoint Presentation ©2015 Morningstar, Inc. All rights reserved. Kittikun Tanaratpattanakit Senior Research Analyst Morningstar Research (Thailand) Ltd. Intelligent Financial Planning Decisions 2
(“Rabbit AEON”) จ ำนวน 1,633 ลำ้นบำท เพิ่มขึ้น 19.6% จำกชว่ง 9 เดือนที่ผ่ำนมำ ส่งสินค้ำทดลองกว่ำ 150,000 ชิ้น ให้แก่กลุ่มลกูค้ำเป้ำหมำย (“smart sampling”) ผ่ำนชอ่งทำงกำรส่งของ เคอร์ร่ี เอก็ซ์เพลส (“Kerry