its revenue from providing mobile phone service during the subscribers protection period starting from its entering into the interim subscribers protection measure pursuant to the NBTC’s Notification on
to the public and they have access by virtue of their office or position. PCL, Mr. Pranay and Mr. Manish jointly use the inside information to instruct PAPL to buy 7,940,100 shares of PTL in PAPL’s
to the public and they have access by virtue of their office or position. PCL, Mr. Pranay and Mr. Manish jointly use the inside information to instruct PAPL to buy 7,940,100 shares of PTL in PAPL’s
to the public and they have access by virtue of their office or position. PCL, Mr. Pranay and Mr. Manish jointly use the inside information to instruct PAPL to buy 7,940,100 shares of PTL in PAPL’s