the period therefore has influenced the Company’s overall sales revenues that are quoted by US dollar as compared to previous year. 2. Cost of sales For the first quarter ended 31 March 2018, the
from both domestic and international demand which were impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and various severe measures for controlling the outbreak. Therefore it affected to the economic
wood kiln dried sawn timber which is the main business of the company. The business was impacted by volatility caused since 2019 as a result of trade war between United States and China, where China was
by the trade war between U.S.A and China. China is hit by a tariff wall which affected Thai Rubber wood exports to China. Another reason came from China with strict environmental regulations which
export sales volume was dropped including the reduction of selling price. The fluctuation of raw material price and keen competition of selling price affected to the domestic sales whereas the appreciation
outbreak. In 1Q20, overall economy was largely affected by the coronavirus disease (COVID- 19) outbreak globally, including the Thai economy, resulting a deep economic deceleration throughout the year. Thai
. Moreover, external factors, including increased inflation rates, increased interest rates, and political uncertainties, further impacted consumer purchasing power. This, in turn, contributed to a decline in
affected the trend in agricultural economics to be in a good direction and it influenced customers to increase their orders. 2. Cost of sales of goods and Expenses 2.1. Cost of sales of goods for the 6-month
VGI PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED BUSINESS HIGHLIGHTS 1Q 2020/21 Our overall performance was significantly affected by COVID-19 pandemic. Total revenue was THB 445mn, a decrease of 50.6% YoY. o o Gross
income from e-payment business, which was directly impacted in the second quarter of the current year from the government announced to closure of international travel under policy to control the epidemic