Ms. Ruenvadee Suwanmongkol, SEC Secretary General (right) and H.E. Brian Davidson, the British Ambassador to Thailand (left) sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to promote inclusive economic
facilitate greater access to finance and business opportunity for Thai FinTech industry; and sustainable finance such as promoting green bonds and climate risk disclosure for listed companies. Initially
ensure proper information disclosure by mutual funds investing in securities or other instruments of listed firms in any specific industry (sector fund) that may involve higher risks and price volatility
practical obstacles and strengthen competitiveness of Thailand?s fund management industry. SEC Secretary-General Thirachai Phuvanatnaranubala said: ?Credibility is a key success factor of fund management
the Thai Capital Market industry. CMDF will consider providing grants to the main operators who are nominated and certified by SEC. Initially, the focus will be on developing a central digital