Microsoft Word - WAVE SET disclosure disposal of Index EN_Final 25Dec2561.doc 1/4 L-WAVE ENT 71/2018 25 December 2018 Subject Disposal of shares in Index Creative Village Public Company
Microsoft Word - WAVE SET disclosure disposal of Index TH_ Final 25Dec2561.doc 1/4 L-WAVE ENT 71/2561 วันท่ี 25 ธันวาคม 2561 เร่ือง การจําหนายไปซึ่งหุนในบริษัท อินเด็กซ
22-01 2/2 Total 10/10 12 1.2 Extent of director liability index Indicator Applicable Law 2020 score 1 Can shareholders representing 10% of Buyer's share capital sue for the damage the transaction
analysis should be read in conjunction with our financial statements and accompanying notes, as well as our selected operating data, included elsewhere in this Offering Circular. Our financial statements
าคญั 2. ความสามารถในการท าก าไร (1) มีการอธิบายสถานะและการเปลีย่นแปลงทีมี่นยัส าคญั โดยใช้ ตวัเลขที่แสดงผลการด าเนินงานส าคญั (key performance indicator เช่น ROE อตัราก าไรขัน้ต้น เป็นต้น) มาประกอบการ
management business should be considered together with the Cash collection, which is a key performance indicator. Please see further details in the section “4.3 Cash Collection Received from Our NPL and NPA
(BOT)1 summarized that the Thai economy continue to expand supported by the increasing farm household income and total nonfarm payroll income. Moreover, Consumer Confidence Index showed an uptrend when
and NPAs management business, cash collection is a key performance indicator which is applied by other operators in the same business and various investors. Cash collection is calculated based on key
and NPAs management businesses The Company believes that for the NPLs and NPAs management business, cash collection is a key performance indicator which is applied by other operators in the same
. You can then specify sources of existing data within your organization and mark where new or additional data needs to be collected. You can also add baseline data and targets against each indicator