, mountain view or tourist attractions, together recreation activities, for example, water sports, mountain bike, trail, etc, Moreover, the Company is committed to driving sustainability since the Company use
of 241 million baht, an increase of 111 million baht or 85% y-y and 26% q-q drove by auto loans business expansion. The Company also launched Motorcycle Big Bike Hire Purchase in September 2019, which
), which owns and operates the Paju combined cycle power plant with an installed capacity of 1,823 megawatts (consists of 2 units of 911.50 megawatts each), which is located in Paju city, Gyeonggi Province
while the decrease in revenue of the combined cycle power plant is caused by temporarily shut down for major maintenance. Please be informed accordingly. Yours faithfully, (Mr.Pijayaphong Na Bangxang
าคญั 2. ความสามารถในการท าก าไร (1) มีการอธิบายสถานะและการเปลีย่นแปลงทีมี่นยัส าคญั โดยใช้ ตวัเลขที่แสดงผลการด าเนินงานส าคญั (key performance indicator เช่น ROE อตัราก าไรขัน้ต้น เป็นต้น) มาประกอบการ
Disclosure Introduced Corporate Target Life Cycle Assessment GHG Scope 1& 2 Accounting 2017 Life Cycle Assessment (Asian sites) Third Party Performance Evaluation Sustainability Data Management GHG Scope 3
Disclosure Introduced Corporate Target Life Cycle Assessment GHG Scope 1& 2 Accounting 2017 Life Cycle Assessment (Asian sites) Third Party Performance Evaluation Sustainability Data Management GHG Scope 3
management business should be considered together with the Cash collection, which is a key performance indicator. Please see further details in the section “4.3 Cash Collection Received from Our NPL and NPA
disclosure Indicator Applicable Law 2020 score 1 Whose decision is sufficient to approve the Buyer-Seller transaction ? Ans. Shareholders excluding interested parties - พ.ร.บ. บริษัทมหาชนฯ มาตรา 101 - พ.ร.บ
performance indicator which is applied by other operators in the same business and various investors. Cash collection is calculated based on key items and recognizable cash items only, and so does not include