authorities. In particular, new emphasis is placed on the quality of supervision and enforcement. The chapter also includes a new principle on the role of stock markets in supporting good corporate governance
the method for electing boards, staggered board terms, and other mechanisms that frustrate cumulative voting, should be prohibited. Efforts by private-sector institutes, organisations and associations
equivalent to any of the above regardless of the title, and includes any person who has authorization under an agreement, whether fully or partially, to manage; “affiliate” means an affiliated company as
. On legislation, the SEC Board approved the proposal for the amendments to the SEC Act B.E. 2535 (1992). This includes the restructuring of the SEC Board structure to enhance its independency, the
ทอ้นถึง exposure สูงสุดที1อาจเกิดขึนได ้ (4) การคาํนวณ commitment approach ซึ1 งสามารถให ้netting ระหวา่ง derivative หรือ asset ที1เป็น underlying เดียวกนันัน ควรใหส้ามารถ
also includes the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Capital Market Advisory Board. The SEC has primary responsibility for the governance of listed companies The Thai IoD has been a
). Meanwhile, the regulations have not yet extended to such fund raising method and a smart contract has not yet covered Debenture Prospectus - PS
estate -backed initial coin offering (ICO). Meanwhile, the regulations have not yet extended to such fund raising method and a smart contract has not yet covered
). Meanwhile, the regulations have not yet extended to such fund raising method and a smart contract has not yet covered Debenture Prospectus - PS
holders of digital tokens or real estate -backed initial coin offering (ICO). Meanwhile, the regulations have not yet extended to such fund raising method and a smart contract has not yet covered https