and Exchange Commission No. SorKhor/Nor. 37/2550 Re: Relaxation on Calculation and Announcement of Net Asset Value of Mutual Funds Investing in Equity Instruments Issued by PTT Public Company Limited By
transparent disclosure of information related to execution of trading transactions which includes sufficient, fast and appropriate disclosure of pre-trade information (if any) and post-trade information; (d
which includes sufficient, fast and appropriate disclosure of pre-trade information (if any) and post-trade information; (4) having a recording system regarding trading information, especially information
in the mutual fund management scheme and prospectus: (a) the projection of incomes and expenses of the mutual fund which includes the following information: 1. key assumption applied which is clear and
and disclosed in the mutual fund management scheme and prospectus: (a) the projection of incomes and expenses of the mutual fund which includes the following information: 1. key assumption applied which
to social sustainability management in the business operational process, which includes respect for human rights throughout the value chain, for example, fair labor treatments, responsible production
2/1: (1) providing a complete work system ready to undertake the business of investment advisory service approved by the Office, which includes an internal control system in respect of giving advice
purpose of the provision in the first paragraph, a beneficial owner of shares includes any beneficial owner of shares prescribed under the fourth paragraph of Section 25; (12) “Ministerial Regulation
holds more than ten percent of the total number of shares with voting right of the applicant . For the purpose of the provision in Paragraph 1, a beneficial owner of shares includes any beneficial owner
possible conflicts of interest; (d) imposing code of conduct or measure to prevent operation constituting conflicts of interest, which includes the following issues: 1. prohibited action possibly