independence from the profession in the same way as specified by IOSCO. To support competitiveness of Thai listed companies and improvement of financial statements to conform to the international standards, the
improvement to meet international standards in all areas. It is undeniable that to achieve sustainable growth, the capital market and involved parties must take into account benefits and impacts of its
improvement to meet international standards in all areas. It is undeniable that to achieve sustainable growth, the capital market and involved parties must take into account benefits and impacts of its
improvement to meet international standards in all areas. It is undeniable that to achieve sustainable growth, the capital market and involved parties must take into account benefits and impacts of its
improvement to meet international standards in all areas. It is undeniable that to achieve sustainable growth, the capital market and involved parties must take into account benefits and impacts of its
activities that indirectly contribute to improvement in the public health and welfare, environment conditions, safety of public lives and assets. 4. The name of fund shall begin with “Infrastructure Fund
activities that indirectly contribute to improvement in the public health and welfare, environment conditions, safety of public lives and assets. 4. The name of fund shall begin with “Infrastructure Fund
training concepts to ensure uniform application of the I Code, and monitor and review the relevance and effectiveness of the I Code from time to time. Promote disclosure by Institutional Investors of I Code
training concepts to ensure uniform application of the I Code, and monitor and review the relevance and effectiveness of the I Code from time to time. Promote disclosure by Institutional Investors of I Code
listed companies, for their valuable contributions to the practical relevance of this CG Code. The Securities and Exchange Commission would also like to thank PricewaterhouseCoopers ABAS Ltd. and Ms