intended to be listed or admitted to trading. In the latter case, indicate the dates on which the debt securities will be listed and/or admitted to trading. B. Entities Providing Liquidity. If any entity has
trading. B. Entities Providing Liquidity. If any entity has made a firm commitment to act as intermediary for the debt securities in secondary market trading, such as market maker providing liquidity
to trading. In the latter case, indicate the dates on which the debt securities will be listed and/or admitted to trading. B. Entities Providing Liquidity. If any entity has made a firm commitment to
. Entities Providing Liquidity × V. INFORMATION ABOUT THE PUBLIC OFFERING A. Offer Statistics ม.69 (4) จํานวน และประเภทหลักทรัพยท่ีเสนอขาย B. Pricing ม.69 (5) ราคาที่คาดวาจะขายของหลักทรัพยตอหนวย C. Method
materials. In terms of the company's financial ratio analysis, The company's liquidity ratio has been reduced to 0.25 times. -13.30% debt-to-equity ratio decreased to 0.53 times. The liquidity ratio is 0.59
ทําโดยสํานักงานคณะกรรมการกํากับหลักทรัพย และตลาดหลักทรัพย เปนแนวทางในการเลือกใช key financial ratio ได ตัวอยางเชน 1. กรณีที่ผูออกตราสารหนี้เปนธนาคารพาณิชย สามารถใชขอมูล liquidity coverage
order to maximize benefit for the Company, the Management decided to manage liquidity by invested in short-term promissory notes of Asia Capital Group Public Company Limited in the amount of THB 100
divided by the replacement value of the firm's assets as shown on equation The study of the relationship between free float and shareholder wealth on the Stock Exchange of Thailand through the liquidity
Company’s land To: The President The Stock Exchange of Thailand The Board of directors meeting # 8/2019 held on June 4, 2019 has a resolution to sell a piece of land to increase liquidity and reduce the
the securities clearing house, including credit risk and liquidity risk. The financial resources shall be assets with high liquidity and low-price volatility which may be any of the following assets: (1