involves six-pronged cyber capabilities i.e., effective risk identification, advanced cyber threat prevention, real-time data protection, proactive situation awareness and detection, effective incident
.................................................................................... 26 5.3. KSI3: Implementing Effective Incentives .................................................................................. 34 5.4. KSI4: Creating Demand-led Products and Services
in the customer’s transactions; (4) “ultimate controlling person of the transactions” means a natural person who ultimately exercises effective control in relation to the customer’s account or
owns the account, or has significant interests in the customer’s transactions; (4) “ultimate controlling person of the transactions” means a natural person who ultimately exercises effective control in
identification of clients and the beneficial owners of derivatives traded by clients in accordance with the information obtained from members. Such identification may be recorded in the form of Identification Card
Offeror must have submitted this Tender Offer for Securities (Form 247-4) to the SEC and the Tender Offer for Securities has been made effective; (3) the Tender Offer Agent must have confirmed the number of
): ...................................................................................................... Tax Identification No. (if any): ............................................................................................................... Nationality
oversight 2) Management’s role 1) Risks and opportunities 2) Impact on organization 3) Resilience of strategy 1) Risk identification and assessment processes 2) Risk management processes 3) Integration to
license and evidence on renewal of such license; (11) Copy of Identification Card; (12) Copy of the Shareholders Name List (Form Bor. Or. Jor. 5). In this regard, I confirm my willingness to provide
): ...................................................................................................... Tax Identification No. (if any): ............................................................................................................... Nationality