จําเปนตองตรวจสอบโดยผูสอบบัญชี แตตองรับรองความถูกตอง ของขอมูลโดยบุคคลที่ 3 เชน ที่ปรึกษาทางการเงิน เปนตน 2. ขอมูลท่ีเปดเผยตามขอกําหนดของประเทศที่เสนอขาย (host country) แมการจัดทํา ASEAN
imperative step to foster a consistently aligned and strong audit regulation in the ASEAN region. We are delighted with the opportunity to host such an important event in the AARG's calendar of events.?Mr
มีสิทธิออกเสียง - 10 - 5.2.2 กรณีท่ีเปดเผยตามขอกําหนดของประเทศที่เสนอขาย (host country) แมการจัดทาํ ASEAN Debt Securities Disclosure Standards จะมุงเนนใหเปดเผย ขอมูลที่เปนมาตรฐานรวมกนัใน
Annex 1: Host Economy Laws and Regulations, Annex 2: Common Regulatory Arrangements and Annex 3: Passport Rules as prescribed in Memorandum of Cooperation on the Establishment and Implementation of the
detailed in Part A of this application form, is completely in compliance with Annex 1: Host Economy Laws and Regulations, Annex 2: Common Regulatory Arrangements and Annex 3: Passport Rules as prescribed in
online forum to facilitate collaboration by allowing signatories to host their own initiatives and invite others to join; explore collaboration opportunities and get involved; and access collaborations
waiver is neither inconsistent with nor contrary to the rules relating to the protection of the investors in the host country where such mutual fund offers investment units for sale; Clause 11 In the case
waiver is neither inconsistent with nor contrary to the rules relating to the protection of the investors in the host country where such mutual fund offers investment units for sale; Clause 11 In the case
waiver is neither inconsistent with nor contrary to the rules relating to the protection of the investors in the host country where such mutual fund offers investment units for sale; Clause 11 In the case
one of its broker members and 3 listed companies. The SET also host seminars for the public and officers in listed and member companies. It also has a corporate governance team that works to improve