capital baht 765,000,000 with 7,650,000 common shares at a baht 100 par share and the Company will hold 33.33% which amounts to baht 254,974,500 at value 100 baht per share, total of 2,549,745 shares. The
registered capital total baht 765,000,000 and Paid-up capital baht 765,000,000 with 7,650,000 common shares at a baht 100 par share and the Company will hold 16.67 % which amounts to baht 127,525,500 at value
jurisdiction, with the initial capital equivalent to the amount of THB 20 million, to engage as a holding company. The Company will invest and hold 100% of the registered and paid-up capital. The Company will
interests in this transaction, the Board and the Audit Committee regarded this engagement as sensible, done with principle, and at acceptable prices. The building and land hold by CDS in the CentralFestival
. Meng Pui Lim Group: 1) Mr. Meng Pui Lim 2) Mr. Hock Loong Lien 3) Ms. Yie Ngoh Choo, which hold 30% of ordinary shares of WICE Logistics (Singapore) Pte.Ltd. located in Singapore Relationship with the
2018 are expected to grow 12% and 38% from 2017 respectively. 2. Real Estate Services: after-sale services are provided in all condominium projects to ensure that customers are taken care of. Four
management service to other companies so as to generate recurring income for the organization. All aspects of the business operation are revised, enabling the Company to grow in a sustainable manner and in
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order for the Company to grow in a sustainable manner in accordance with sufficiency economy philosophy. Important numbers in the financial statement Q2/2018 and 2017 Table 1: Profit/Loss Statement in Q2
/2020 of Baht 376.38 million, a 9.45% Grow up or Baht 32.49 million same period of previous year. respectively in resulting from upward revenues along with the expansion of branches and scopes of services