สำคัญที่สามารถแก้ไขอุปสรรคการขาดแคลนเงินทุนทั้งระยะสั้นและ ระยะยาวของภาคธุรกิจต่าง ๆ 2. นิยามที่เกี่ยวข้อง (มาตรา 3 และมาตรา 9) 2.1 นิติบุคคลเฉพาะกิจ (Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV)) : บริษัทจำกัด บริษัท
with the following provision: “Section 3. In this Royal Enactment, “special purpose juristic person” means a vehicle established for the purpose of securitization and registered as a special purpose
Emergency Decree, “special purpose juristic person” means a vehicle established for the purpose of securitization and registered as a special purpose juristic person under this Emergency decree. *Published in
juristic person” means a vehicle established for the purpose of securitization and registered as a special purpose juristic person under this Emergency decree. “securitization” means acceptance of transfer
purpose, the Fund Manager may assign a person to handle a specific act on the Fund Manager’s behalf, but in any case, it shall be in accordance with the regulations specified by the Fund Committee. SECTION
(Translation) PAGE 112 (Translation) Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (As Amended) _________________ BHUMIBOL ADULYADEJ, REX., Given on the 12th day of March B.E. 2535; Being the 47th Year of the Present Reign. His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej is graciously pleased to proclaim that: Whereas it is expedient to enact a law on the securities and exchange; Be it, therefore, enacted by His Majesty the King, by and with the advice and consent of the National Legislative Assembly functioning as...
(Translation) Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (As Amended) _________________ BHUMIBOL ADULYADEJ, REX., Given on the 12th day of March B.E. 2535; Being the 47th Year of the Present Reign. His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej is graciously pleased to proclaim that: Whereas it is expedient to enact a law on the securities and exchange; Be it, therefore, enacted by His Majesty the King, by and with the advice and consent of the National Legislative Assembly functioning as both Houses of Parliam...