Microsoft Word - MD&A 3Q2020-E_Final by FA&Mark _3 Nov 2020_.docx 1 Ref: CSO. 034/2020 Date: 3rd November 2020 Subject: Management Discussion and Analysis Quarter 3 Ending 30th September 2020
Microsoft Word - MD&A 3Q2020-T_Final by FA&Mark _3 Nov 2020_.docx 1 ที สลบ. 034/2563 วนัที 3 พฤศจกิายน 2563 เรือง คําอธบิายและวเิคราะหข์องฝ่ายจัดการ ไตรมาสที 3 สิ/นสดุวนัที 30 กนัยายน 2563 เรยีน กรรม
the Climate Bond Certification Mark in relation to that bond. Climate Bond Certification is provided once the independent Climate Bonds Standard Board is satisfied the bond conforms with the Climate
. Climate Bond Certification: Allows the issuer to use the Climate Bond Certification Mark in relation to that bond. Climate Bond Certification is provided once the independent Climate Bonds Standard Board is
the goal of (1) reducing GHG emissions/increasing sequestration or (2) enhancing adaptation and resilience. Controlled environment agriculture Aquaculture and the farming of fish Supply chain
แฟกซ์. 02-455-2763 Takuni Group Public Company Limited 140/1 KHANJANAPISEK RD., BANGKAE, BANGKAE, BANGKOK, THAILAND. 10160 Tel: 02-455-2888 Fax: 02-455-2763 Project Name Thana Habitat Project Type
require substantial water resources to operate Environmental sensitivities: Costly habitat relocation or remediation and additional permitting can be required if sites are located on environmentally
the business and environment are alleviated and beneficial opportunities are realized. Agribusiness insurance: insurance protection designed to protect businesses that earn all or most of their revenue
animals around the world. They are exhibited in the natural surroundings that simulate the big forest in the city on the area of 225 Rai. Regarding the marine park, the bird park and performance area, the
and Exchange Commission, Thailand (SEC)* 3. Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning (ONEP), Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment 4. Department of Alternative Energy