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on strengthening our customers’ business and financial standing, as well as supporting their growth and opportunities, led by the government’s economic stimulus measures and other factors. Guided by
startup firms for enhancement of our business capabilities to achieve sustainable growth while maintaining our market leadership over the long term. Guided by our core strategies of “Customer Centricity
nutrition and health products, as rising disposal income, changing lifestyles from urbanization and greater awareness of health and wellness issues have led to substantial growth in demand for its products
statements. Accordingly, TIES must submit to the SEC and publicly disclose the financial statements, urgently. Earlier, the SEC had directed TIES to rectify its 2014 financial statements due to the auditor’s
and communities, help restore natural resources rather than exploit them, and enable nature to regenerate and replenish itself. CHANEL’s vision of how it seeks to operate in society is guided by two
growth and returns while maintaining our market leadership over the long term. Guided by our core strategies of “Customer Centricity” and making KBank the Customers’ Main Bank for all eight customer
sustainable growth and returns while maintaining our market leadership under sound corporate governance and appropriate risk management. Guided by our core strategies of “Customer Centricity”, KBank has decided
achieve sustainable growth and returns while maintaining our long-term market leadership. Guided by our core strategies of “Customers’ Life Platform of Choice” along with “Customer Centricity”, KBank has
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