นโยบายการรักษาความปลอดภัยด้านเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศ (IT security policy) PAGE - 2 - ประกาศสำนักงานคณะกรรมการกำกับหลักทรัพย์และตลาดหลักทรัพย์ ที่ อธ./น. 5/2547 เรื่อง แนวทางปฏิบัติในการควบคุมการปฏิบัติงาน
นโยบายการรักษาความปลอดภัยด้านเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศ (IT security policy) เอกสารประกอบการ public hearing ร่างข้อบังคับและแนวทางปฏิบัติด้านเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศ PAGE - 30 - เอกสารประกอบการ public hearing ร่าง
security as well as supervise, monitor and examine compliance with such policies, measures, and operating systems, and review the suitability thereof regularly; In the interest of meeting the aforesaid
with Chapter 1; (2) establishment of policies, measures, and management arrangement concerning information security in accordance with Chapter 2; (3) management of IT assets and the access control to
shares or rendering a financial support that will later generate the right to acquire shares of such business, and being involved in the supervision of the business plan, the operation or the improvement
: Operational Control and Security for Information Technology of a Licensed Derivatives Broker. By virtue of the second paragraph of Clause 7 of the Notification of the Securities and Exchange Commission No
Operating Control and Information Technology Security of Securities Company By virtue of Paragraph 1(2) of Section 141 of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535, the SEC Office, with the approval of the
particular category of securities business, except for a security company operating securities business in the category of securities dealing or securities underwriting or operating securities business in any
Re: Operational Control and Information Technology Security of Securities Companies Whereas in these days securities companies widely accept information technology as an instrument for securities
No. OrThor/Nor. 5/2547 Re: Operational Control and Security of the Information Technology of Securities Company For the purpose of rendering the securities companies to efficiently comply with the