arise in each condition of estimation. ensuring an inclusion of opinions and analyses of RM and FA on the following matters: fairness of the purchasing price of the property; justifications in
, clearing houses must have appropriate risk management measures in order to effectively perform the duties of guaranteeing clearing and settlement. Securities Depository Center At present, most securities
, clearing houses must have appropriate risk management measures in order to effectively perform the duties of guaranteeing clearing and settlement. Securities Depository Center At present, most securities
potential shareholding. For Example: Ensuring full and fair information disclosure so that investors have sufficient information for making investment decisions; Enhancing corporate governance of listed
. The ICO portal's duties include performing due diligence on the characteristics of digital tokens to be offered and qualifications of issuer, and ensuring completeness and accuracy of information
investor confidence and trust but also ensuring business integrity and creating long-term business value. In conducting its leadership roles and responsiblilities, the board should strive for the following
investor confidence and trust but also ensuring business integrity and creating long-term business value. In conducting its leadership roles and responsiblilities, the board should strive for the following
achieve three core objectives of securities regulations: (1) protecting investors, (2) ensuring that markets are fair, efficient and transparent, and (3) reducing systemic risks. IOSCO Principles comprise
achieve three core objectives of securities regulations: (1) protecting investors, (2) ensuring that markets are fair, efficient and transparent, and (3) reducing systemic risks. IOSCO Principles comprise
of compliance and ethical conduct, and lead by example. c) Strengthening an effective board structure and practices conducive for achieving the company’s objectives. d) Ensuring suitable CEO selection