development of innovations and financial technologies, as well as to promote the competitiveness and growth of the Thai capital market. In this regard, the enactment of this Act complies with the conditions
knowledge and understanding of the capital market; and to support education, research, training and development of the pool of knowledge or academic work useful for the capital market 5.3 Fund Committee (9
, property and liabilities of the special purpose juristic person; (5) order any person who will be useful in the performance of the duties of the competent officer to testify or deliver copies of or present
, documents, seals or other evidence related to the businesses, operations, property and liabilities of the special purpose juristic person; (5) order any person who will be useful in the performance of the
evidence related to the businesses, operations, property and liabilities of the special purpose juristic person; (5) order any person who will be useful in the performance of the duties of the competent
person; (5) order any person who will be useful in the performance of the duties of the competent officer to testify or deliver copies of or present accounts, documents or other objects which are related
เล็กทรอนิกส์ (สพธอ.) Sharing/Electronic-Transactions-Act-the-Series_Ep1.aspx ๒ Excerpt of AGC Digest ๒๐๑๐ on Electronic Transactions Bill 2010 ๖ เป็น
useful in the execution of the duties of the competent official to testify, deliver, or present accounts, documents, evidence or any objects related to, or necessary for, the execution of the duties of the
business; (6) order any persons who have known any related actions or facts and may be useful in the execution of the duties of the competent official to testify, deliver, or present accounts, documents
นมือได้ด้วย๔ ๑ สำนักงำนพฒันำธุรกรรมทำงอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ (สพธอ.) Sharing/Electronic-Transactions-Act-the-Series_Ep1.aspx ๒ Excerpt of AGC Digest 2010 on