shifts in the direction of risk rather than growth as a string has prolonged. This study provides insights into economic implications of a sequentially increasing earnings string for market prices
certain characteristics (not solely on size). ** Measured by total size of tracking ETFs Rank Free-float weight Market capitalization weight Strategic beta 1 S&P 500 TR (476 $ bln) KRX KOSPI 200 Korea PR (8
กลุม่ กราฟแสดงสดัส่วนการลงทุนในปัจจุบนัท่ี Standardized แลว้ Investor types Mean Rank of mean within same investor types Rank of mean across investor types Cash Holder Old- Fashioned Modern Investor Cash
. Worse, Brexit risks became heightened in the wake of political change in the United Kingdom. The World Economic Outlook of the International Monetary Fund cut its 2019 global economic growth projection to
Persistence of Performance Empirical Paper Methodology Evidence Sharpe (1966) Spearman rank correlation Yes Jensen (1968) Jensen’s alpha No Grinblatt&Titman (1989,1992) Jensen’s alpha Yes
) เท่านั้น Kosowski, Timmermann, Wermers, and White (2006) พบว่า มเีพยีงกองทนุทีเ่น้นการเติบโต (growth fund) เท่านัน้ทีม่ผีลการดาเนนิงานทีด่แีละเกดิจากทกัษะท่ีแท้จริงของผู้จัดการกองทุนเท่านัน้ Cuthbertson
August 2015 Why is it interesting? • There is anecdotal evidence that a number of managers likely focus on creating consistent earnings growth. • In addition, scientific
United States, caused slowdown of the global economic growth and resulted to the narrow of metallic spread. The company's gross profit margin fell from 5.7 percent in 2017 to just 0.9 percent in 2018 which
war between China and the United States, caused slowdown of the global economic growth and resulted to the narrow of metallic spread. The company's gross profit margin fell from 5.7 percent in 2017 to
additional revenue that more or less fulfill the loss of regular hospital revenue. Furthermore, the Company has implemented cost saving measures to maintain its operating results for continuous growth. In