10.05% from the previous year. The significant growth in same store sales growth during the first half of 2019 was accentuated by the hike in sales of ‘air purifier’ and cooling products, due to high
. Sales of ‘improved air quality’ products were higher than normal, due to the occurrence of high levels of air pollution, especially in Bangkok and the Central and Northern regions. However, sales at some
); • pollution prevention and control (including reduction of air emissions, greenhouse gas control, soil remediation, waste prevention, waste reduction, waste recycling and energy/emission- efficient waste to
pollution on all levels, including industrial, agricultural, and household pollution. It helps to improve the quality of air, soil, and water, as well as decrease the waste of valuable resources. To be
: Unit : THB million Service 2017 2016 Add (Reduce) Percentage Sea Freight 635.03 503.93 131.11 26.02 Air Freight 465.59 293.76 171.83 58.49 Logistics Management 295.75 224.80 70.95 31.56 Total Service
, the Company has supported the Ministry of Energy’s promotion of environmentally friendly fuel to reduce inherent air pollution, which led way to the debut of the B20 diesel products in BCP service
University SEC Capital Market Regional Seminar 2022 July 1st, 2022 Introduction Environmental and social issues such as pollution, global warming, illegal labor, child labor, society and community problems
. The increase in demand by air freight, in particular, encouraged the cross-border land transportation (CBS) business to turn a profit on the net loss last year. This contributed to a significant growth
. The increase in demand by air freight, in particular, encouraged the cross-border land transportation (CBS) business to turn a profit on the net loss last year. This contributed to a significant growth
community of stakeholders. They are updated as required in order to reflect the development and growth of the global Green Bond market. The GBP, and the Principles generally, are coordinated by the Executive