ใช้สิทธิและภาระผูกพันต่าง ๆ ที่เกี่ยวข้อง 25. กำไร (ขาดทุน) สะสม (Retained earnings (Deficits)) กำไร (ขาดทุน) สะสม ประกอบด้วย 25.1 จัดสรรแล้ว (Appropriated) หมายถึง สำรองที่กันไว้จากกำไรสำหรับงวดตาม
the contract’s value, a relatively small movement of the market can lead to either large losses or gains within a short period of time. The Client may sustain losses significantly beyond the amount of
rights and warrants 22. Additional paid-in capital (discount on capital stock)) 23. Appraisal surplus 24. revaluation surplus (deficit) in investments) 25. Retained earnings (deficits) arising from risk
........ Year ............. Year ............. Year ............ Total assets Total liabilities Shareholders’ equity Total income Cost Net profits Earnings per share (EPS) Debt/equity ratio (D/E ratio) Return on
26. กำไรสะสม (Retained earnings (deficits) ) 26.1 จัดสรรแล้ว (Appropriated) 26.1.1 สำรองตามกฎหมาย (Legal reserve) หมายถึง สำรองที่กันไว้จากกำไรสุทธิประจำปีตามประมวลกฎหมายแพ่งและพาณิชย์ และพระราชบัญญัติ
be higher than the rate which the securities company actually gains from the deposit or investment in a promissory note or other means of investment. Clause 20. A securities company shall not utilize
of duty performance to seek wrongful gains; (3) requiring the employees to notify the intermediary in the case where the employees and their connected persons have an account for trading capital market
will calculate from the amount of money segregated as assets of clients under this Notification. However, such rate of return shall not be higher than the rate which the securities company actually gains
suspension, acquisition or disposal of significant assets, operating results and profits, liquidity and capital sources, asset quality, management of off-balance sheet transactions, significant changes or
and procedures (if any) for preventing directors and executives from using inside information for personal gain, and for monitoring their securities trading especially during the month before public