PT Millenniun Penata Futures PT Millenniun Penata Futures colluded with Mr. Artipan Thongjan in operating derivatives business without license or registration with the SEC in violation of Section
Mr. Artipan Thongjan Mr. Artipan Thongjan colluded with PT Millenniun Penata Futures in operating derivatives business without license or registration with the SEC in violation of Section 16 of
futures for hedging risk. SEC Act S.133 Settlement Committee Meeting No. 11/2022 Settlement Committee Order No. 178/2022 Dated 11/11/2022
Navista Global Markets Ltd. Navista Global Markets Ltd. (Navista) operated derivatives business without license by representing itself to the general public as a gold futures trading agent. The
GISP Ltd. GISP Ltd. (GISP) operated derivatives business without license by representing itself to the general public as a gold futures trading agent. The company contacted and solicited the public
learned from the Board of Directors Meeting Agendas. In addition, he did not report his conflict of interest to the Board of Directors that on January 25, 2016 he bought 10,000 contracts of JASH16 Futures
front run his client’s futures trading orders. Such trading orders made through Ms.Nanthanat Srisawangwong at another broker for his personal gain. This action caused financial damages to his clients
futures trading agent. The company contacted and solicited the public as well as disseminated related investment documents and information through various channels including website to