i l i t y Environmentally friendly and reducing the environmental impacts of our own operations Financial support to environmentally- friendly businesses Financial inclusion and financial literacy
and investment in life insurance products, while they are also allowed to unwind transactions for buying, selling or exchanging foreign currencies for investment. Such relaxations will facilitate the
settlement) บริษัทจดัการตองแสดงใหเห็นวา ในขณะที่ตัดสนิใจลงทุนไมมีความตั้งใจทีจ่ะรับมอบสินคา กลาวคือ ตองมั่นใจวาจะสามารถลางฐานะ (unwind) กอนครบกําหนดได อยางไรกด็ี ในกรณีที่มีเหตุจําเปนและสมควรทําให
THE EXCELLENCE OF 19, JUBILEE CENTENNIAL 90 FACETS, JUBILEE LINE FRIENDS, and HELLO KITTY FRIENDLY MISSY which these collections were well-impressed by customers. In addition, the Company has marketing
the traffic lights system and how to use with Thailand Taxonomy ? Green The activities that are environmentally friendly economic acitivity and in line with the Paris Agreement goals such as solar or
EXCELLENCE OF 19, JUBILEE CENTENNIAL 90 FACETS, JUBILEE LINE FRIENDS แ ล ะ HELLO KITTY FRIENDLY MISSY โดยสินคา้ทุกคอลเลคชนัไดร้ับการตอบรับจากลูกคา้เป็นอย่างดี ประกอบกบับริษทั ได้มีการจัดกิจกรรมทางการตลาดเพื่อ
6 Sustainable Development Goals by UN • Promote eco-friendly business activities and address environmental & social risks • Energy Management System Committee, focusing on energy related issues
vaccine at the national level: government continues to lay the foundation for growth that is not only sustainable but also inclusive and friendly to the environment. The second vaccine is at the business
the project’s focus on sustainability, the mall will be topped with Rooftop Park, an expansive outdoor retreat providing 1,000 sq. m. of green space for people to relax and unwind in the heart of the
have gradually stopped providing fixed-speed unlimited price plans and expect the impact of suppressed ARPU to slowly be unwind. Handset subsidies remained elevated in 4Q18 due to seasonality while