(Microsoft Word - Ex Sum for hearing _MM_ \242\326\351\271\340\307\273 _2_) เอกสารรับฟังความคิดเห็น เรือง การแก้ไขเพิมเติมพระราชบัญญัตหิลักทรัพย์และตลาดหลกัทรัพย์ พ.ศ. 2535 ในส่วนทีเกียวกบัการก
baht which is greater than the same quarter in the previous year which the net loss was 2.76 million baht due to the income derived from providing consulting service regarding domestic transportation
Former derivatives investment analyst on fundamental factors who later obtained an approval as investment analyst or investment planner or investment consultant by virtue of Qualifications No. 5.5
. − − − 6 Former securities investment analyst on fundamental factors who later obtained an approval as investment analyst or investment planner or investment consultant by virtue of Qualifications No. 4.5
ending December 31, 2017 showed the net loss of Baht 131.23 million representing the decrease of 2.53% in net loss compared to net loss of Baht 134.64 million of the same period of the previous year. The
. 7.9 − − − Remark: 9 Application must be submitted within 60 days as from the expiration date of the previous approval. (UNOFFICIAL TRANSALTION) 11 Former investment consultant on complex products Type 2
the previous year. Even though the income obtained from the transportation services is reduced from the previous year but the Company could slightly earn the gross profit greater than the profit in the
Former investment consultant on general products who later obtained an approval as investment analyst or investment planner or investment consultant by virtue of Qualifications No. 5.3 − − − 9 Former
approved by the SEC Office, or any others under remark 1)2 8 Former investment planner who later obtained an approval as investment analyst or investment planner or investment consultant by virtue of
unit related to capital market.5 − − − 7 Fund manager. − − − 8 Former capital market investment analyst on fundamental factors who later obtained an approval as investment analyst or investment planner