consolidated financial statements. The revision was to recognize the gain on disposal of investment in the subsidiary to equity attributable to shareholders of the parent in the consolidated financial statements
to prepare the reviewed financial statements for Q1/2016, Q2/2016 and Q3/2016 to the SEC Office and the Stock Exchange of Thailand within the period specified in the notification. The Criminal Court
financial statements for Q2/2017 to the SEC Office and the Stock Exchange of Thailand within the period specified in the notification. The Criminal Court sentenced the accused to pay a fine of Baht 40,000 and
Krungthai Asset Management Public Company Limited Krungthai Asset Management Public Company Limited as a fund management company failed to manage Krung Thai CLMVT Equity Fund (KT-CLMVT) strictly in
, 2012 to the SEC Office and the Stock Exchange of Thailand within the period specified in the notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board. On July 29, 2013, the Bangkok South Criminal Court
financial statements for the year 2013 and the annual registration statement for the year 2013 (Form 56-1) to the SEC Office and the Stock Exchange of Thailand within the period specified in the notification
statements for Q3/2017 to the SEC Office and the Stock Exchange of Thailand within the period specified in the notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board. On July 2, 2020,The Criminal Court
of the Stock Exchange of Thailand within the period specified in the notification as follows : (1) the reviewed financial statements for Q3/2019 (2) the interim management discussion and analysis (“MD
liable for HYDRO’s failure to prepare and submit the annual report for the year 2019 (Form 56-2) through the transmission system of the Stock Exchange of Thailand resulted from the instruction or the
in the Stock Exchange of Thailand under the name of "Bill Trade" without proper licenses granted, violating Section 90. On February 9, 2011, the court sentenced the accused to a fine of