field and parking lot with Jainnopsiri Company Limited (Held by Mrs. Sirima Iamsakulrat and Mr.Jain Charnnarong) period 10 year since June1, 2020 or the date of possession of the area, whichever the date
วนัเกดิ event กับ ราคาหนา้ตัว๋ (par) ของตราสาร|THB|20080105|20080105|20080105:135040| วธิกีารจดัท าและสง่ขอ้มูล 1. แตล่ะ field ก าหนดใหใ้ช ้“|” (delimiter) เป็นตวัแบง่ 2. field ใดทีไ่มม่ขีอ้มูล ใหใ้ชต้วั
jointly invest with Seacrest Capital Group (“Seacrest”) in the petroleum fields Draugen Field and Gjøa Field from A/S Norske Shell (“Shell”) through the investment by means of subscribing new shares of OKEA
and quite a few encouraging developments in the insurance industry, particularly in the field of financial inclusion. Highlights of progress made within and by the different subsectors are described
. Maintenance of status. In order to ensure that all parties concerned understand and duly comply with the guidelines, the Office hereby offers clarification regarding the consideration of the skills and
status. In order to ensure that all parties concerned understand and duly comply with the guidelines, the Office hereby offers clarification regarding the consideration of the skills and knowledge based on
:// Focus Area Investment1 Tier 4 Tier 3 Tier 2 Tier 1 Target Setting Measure portfolio greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Set portfolio emissions reduction and/or asset alignment
, which has a total value not exceeding NOK 939 million (or approximately THB 3,760 million) in order to purchase the Draugen Field and GjØa petroleum field from A/S Norske Shell. The transaction is
Galoc oil field in the latter half of 2018, after the company group sold its shares in Nido Production (Galoc) Pty. Ltd., which holds the rights to 55.8% of the Galoc field. The transaction was completed
profit from the Galoc oil field divestment at THB 10 million. The Company holds 49.33% shareholding in OKEA, and started to recognize its performance from December 2018 onwards. In Q1/2019, the Company