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ITGC Elements 11 • Application: Interface designed to allow a user to store/retrieve data in a logical and meaningful manner and apply predefined business rules to that data. Examples include SAP
significant improvements in several areas within the element of ethical requirements. For instance, audit firms have established policies and procedures to prevent any conflicts of interest that might arise
would bear in mind the significance of developing the quality of audit and continuously mitigate and improve as recommended by the SEC, some of the deficiencies’ rectification are underway and might
lease Substantive analytical procedures, if used appropriately, could be an efficient means for auditors to obtain relevant audit evidence and to ensure that an overall conclusion are consistent with the
SEC Office. Clause 11 An intermediary intending to outsource function related to business operation to a third party shall obtain an approval from the SEC Office before proceeding with the outsourcing
SEC Office. Clause 11 An intermediary intending to outsource function related to business operation to a third party shall obtain an approval from the SEC Office before proceeding with the outsourcing
reasonable and will eventually increase Company’s profitability and benefit to obtain stronger financial condition of the Company. Thus, the Board of Directors has approved the receipt of financial assistance
assistance is reasonable and will eventually increase Company’s profitability and benefit to obtain stronger financial condition of the Company. Thus, the Board of Directors has approved the receipt of
used to manipulate markets and to obtain control over a company without being subject to any takeover or disclosure regulations. Moreover, co- operation might also be for the purposes of circumventing