select three arbitrators ranking in preference order and notify the Office, in writing, within fifteen days from the date of filing the statement of claim or the date on which the mediation of dispute is
registered value, they shall be demonstrated separately without having to make a setoff. And in case the share capital consists of ordinary shares and preference shares, the part exceeding and the part lower
of monies, goods or services, from any person other than standard commission or fee for its services; (4) receiving or being going to receive financial incentives in order to favor the interest of one
to receive financial incentives in order to favor the interest of one client [or group of clients ] over the interest of another client [or another group of clients ] in the manner of unfair treatment
ให้ชำระมูลค่าหุ้นแล้ว ให้แยกแสดงเป็นหุ้นแต่ละชนิด ดังนี้ 22.1 หุ้นบุริมสิทธิ (Preference shares) 22.2 หุ้นสามัญ (Ordinary shares) 23. ส่วนเกิน (ต่ำกว่า) มูลค่าหุ้นและหุ้นทุนซื้อคืน (Share premium