complements, but does not alter, the terms and conditions of existing arrangements between the Authorities such as the IOSCO MMoU. To the extent any provision of this MoU conflicts with the IOSCO MMoU in
terms and conditions. In absence of such terms and conditions, the beneficiary and the trustee may mutually agree to amend the trust instrument to the extent that it is not contrary to the purpose of the
amend the trust instrument to the extent that it is not contrary to the purpose of the creation of trust. SECTION 21 In cases where the SEC Office has issued notifications specifying additional
กระทรวงพาณิชย์ ตัวชี้วัดดังกล่าวประเมินประสิทธิภาพของกฎหมายที่เกี่ยวกับ การให้ความคุ้มครองผู้ลงทุนเสียงข้างน้อย โดยแบ่งการประเมินออกเป็น 2 หัวข้อ ได้แก่ Extent of conflict of interest regulation index (การ
Shareholders No.1/2019 to the extent that it is appropriate and necessary within the scope of laws. The Company would like to inform that the transaction of acquiring ordinary shares of KPN Academy Company
reasonable. 8. The nature and extent of the interest of the connected persons in the transaction : -Non- 9. In this Business Size has not over 1 million baht but over than 0.03% of NTA value of the company, So
extent of the interest of the connected persons in the transaction : -Non- 9. This transaction allows to standard of receiving and selling of assets. In this schedule the company sold out the investment
Impact Figure 1 Climate-Related risks, opportunities, and financial impact Scenario analysis: a tool for forward-looking disclosure 33 • Explore alternatives that may significantly alter the basis for
of such meeting, upon any members of executive committee (its agent), managing director (its agent) to the extent that it is appropri ate and necessary within the scope of laws. Furthermore, the
the record date of such meeting, upon any members of executive committee (its agent), managing director (its agent) to the extent that it is appropriate and necessary within the scope of laws