relating to the proceedings under Clause 8 and Clause 9 for a minimum period of two years from the preparation date thereof and in the manner, which facilitates prompt inspection by the SEC upon request
and in the manner which facilitates prompt inspection by the Office upon request. Clause 12 . This Notification shall come into force as from 1 October 2008. Notified this 28th day of April 2008. (Mr
convenient, expeditious and fair for investors, the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission hereby issues the following regulations: Clause 1. This Notification shall come into force as form 16 May
maintenance of such evidence during the first two years shall be in such a manner that allows prompt retrieval or inspection by the SEC Office. Chapter 2 Securities Trading _____________ Clause 10 A securities
years from the date of issue, in a way that such documents are prompt to be called or inspected by the SEC Office without delay. For the purpose of (4) in the first paragraph, the term “cyber security
with the client is terminated. Such documents and information shall be stored in the manner that enables prompt access for review by the Office when requested. Notified this 1st day of March 2007
its custody of clients’ assets for at least five years. Such information and documents shall be stored, during the first two years, in a manner that enables prompt access for review by the SEC Office
; (5) keep evidence of the performance as specified in subclauses (1), (2), (3) and (4) in the manner of prompt demonstration to the SEC Office as requested. Chapter 7 Acceptance of Trading Orders of
Translation (Unofficial Translation) PAGE (Unofficial Translation) Page 32 of 32 Readers should be aware that only the original Thai text has legal force and that this English translation is strictly for reference. The SEC, Thailand cannot undertake any responsibility for its accuracy, nor be held liable for any loss or damages arising from or related to its use. ---------------------- Notification of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission No. OrKhor./Nor. 5/2549 Re: Guidelines Rel...
UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATION Readers should be aware that only the original Thai text has legal force and that this English translation is strictly for reference. 30 Notification of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission No. Nor Por. 3/2559 Re: Guidelines for Establishment of Information Technology System ______________________ Whereas the Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board No. Tor Thor. 35/2556 Re: Standard Conduct of Business, Management Arrangement, Operating Systems...