systems by improving compliance with internationally recognized standards and codes. The recommendations contained in the report aim to build on the existing system, and offer the groundwork for a country
recommendations contained in the report aim to build on the existing system, and offer the groundwork for a country action plan geared toward a strengthened infrastructure of corporate financial reporting in
Minority Investors have shown a progress from the previous year. This is because, apart from the existing strict provisions on minority investors protection, more efforts are given to legal amendment to
Minority Investors have shown a progress from the previous year. This is because, apart from the existing strict provisions on minority investors protection, more efforts are given to legal amendment to
ของบริษัทไม่ครบถ้วน 2. ส่งเสรมิให้มผีูป้ระเมนิ (local reviewer) ทีว่เิคราะห์ ข้อมลู ESG ของบรษิทัจดทะเบยีนในด้านการทาธุรกจิแบบย่ังยืน โดยจ้ำงมหำวิทยำลัยหอกำรค้ำไทยดำเนินโครงกำรประเมิน กำรประกอบธุรกิจอ