management relating to securities investment or securities analysis for at least three years within five years prior to the date of submission of documents or evidence as proof of having such experience; (3
, risk management relating to securities investment or securities analysis for at least three years within five years prior to the date of submission of documents or evidence as proof of having such
submission of documents evidence as proof of having such experience; (3) being a manager of the management company or holding any position from second to manager down to department director who take
obtain access to the contract. Indicate whether the issuer is required to make periodic disclosure such as disclose the evidence periodically that the issuer is not in default or that it is in full
representation of the debt securities holders, as well as where the investors may obtain access to the contract. Indicate whether the issuer is required to make periodic disclosure such as disclose the evidence
investments geographically (home and abroad) and the method of financing (internal or external). 8. An indication of any public takeover offers by third parties in respect of the issuer's shares or by the
’ qualified opinions resulted from limitation on their scope of audit/review. Hence, the auditors were unable to obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence with respect to valuation of investment in PT
the auditor by March 8, 2013. Earlier, the SEC found that the company’s management prevented the auditor to obtain sufficient information and audit evidence necessary for reviewing the financial
financial statements for Q1/2016 and Q2/2016 because the auditing scope was limited by the company’s executives. Consequently, the auditor was unable to find sufficient evidence to justify the management’s
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