statements / information For the year ended for.............quarter ended Name of auditor affiliated with audit firm ( Financial statements audit ( Financial statements / information review · 1 . Unmodified
· Forms 2 Does the firm have policies and procedures for the retention of firm’s documentation for a period of time sufficient to permit those performing monitoring and review procedures to evaluate the
inspection to evaluate its compliance with its policies and procedures? – Monitoring Process If yes, please specify 1) Who perform such function e.g. in-house, outsource, network firm? 2) How often the firm
failure of computer systems used for trading securities by companies which are members of the Stock Exchange of Thailand. If the incident results in no ability in recording an offer for trading come from
. Other derivatives liabilities 18. Provision 19. Other liabilities Total liabilities Shareholders’ equity 20. Share capital 20.1 Authorized share capital 20.2 Issued and paid-up share capital 21. Stock
, how does the firm inform its personnel or what kind of process that the firm use to ensure that its staff evaluate clients risk? 5 Regarding integrity checks does the firm’s conduct, for example
internal control is rectified as follows: (1) monitor, inspect and evaluate the effectiveness of the operating procedures of the work unit responsible for the following functions by an independent auditor
ทะเบียนที่มีการซื้อขายใน TFEX (stock futures) หุ้นกู้ที่มีอนุพันธ์แฝง (structured debenture) คู่สมรส หรือผู้ที่อยู่กินด้วยกันฉันสามีภริยา/ Spouse / cohabiting couple ชื่อ / Name หุ้นสามัญ (common share
); (5) review procedures and processes in the management of information security incidents, after the testing under (4) is carried out, at least once a year; (6) evaluate the results of the testing under
trust issued by foreign ETF . “ underlying shares of ETF ” means shares which are registered as listed securities in the Stock Exchange of Thailand or foreign exchange, as the case may be, which are in a