DJSI. If yes, assess whether the disclosure can be applied to TCFD 3.3 3.4 Evaluate internal risk management processes and consider whether they can be adapted to incorporate climate-related risks
independence of the firm. - Precisely define the ‘related entities’ to enable the audit firms to completely disclose and consider the independence regarding related entities. The process to evaluate the
มูลทีสอดคล้องกับ TNFD ได้ และใช ้The LEAP Approach เปนวธิตีรวจสอบเพิมเติม เพือใหม้ันใจวา่กระบวนการดังกล่าวจดัการกับปญหาทีเกียวกับธรรมชาติได้อยา่งเพียงพอ Assess your nature-related risks and
important that the auditors carefully assess the audit risks and plan their audits accordingly. This becomes particularly important as the effective date of the new auditor’s report is fast approaching, where
potential impacts of climate-related risks and opportunities on the organization’s businesses, strategies and financial planning. The processes used by the organization to identify, assess and manage climate
investment products within the same asset class. • Use appropriate metrics to compare similar investments. • Evaluate the real rate of return on investment products. • Confident to undertake research on
.......................................................... 51 G20/OECD PRINCIPLES OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE © OECD 2015 9 About the Principles The Principles are intended to help policy makers evaluate and improve the legal, regulatory, and institutional
) Division 7 Cross-border communication (8) Division 8 Companies shall test and assess the BCP (Training, Exercising and Auditing) (9) Division 9 Examples of emergency incidents which may cause major
be available: 1. General description of the objective, scope of work, and the external reviewer’s credentials. 2. The requisite credentials to evaluate KPIs, SPTs and related benchmarks, baselines and
ec ti on A ct iv it ie s Re po rt 1 J an ua ry 2 01 3 - 31 D ec em be r 20 13 comparison was not carried out. Audit procedures were not performed to assess the reasonableness and reliability of the