financial position (paragraph........); ฆ 5.4 Correction of previous year’s material misstatement in financial statements (paragraph........); ฆ 5.5 Significant mistakes in financial statements arisen after
) 2. Accumulation from correction of mistakes x 3. Adjusted balance x x x x x x x (x) Alteration between two periods 4. Appraisal surplus x 5. Revaluation surplus (deficit) in investment x 6. Retained
the beginning of 25x0 x x x x x x X (x) 2. Accumulation from correction of mistakes x 3. Adjusted balance x x x x x x x (x) Alteration between two periods 4. Appraisal surplus x 5. Revaluation surplus
should be an improvement for work procedure where there are errors in an operation with record of such error together with preventive measures 1.2 Operation system for fund member registry should comprise
the client’s assets, in accordance with Chapter 2, to ensure that the system is suitable and effective. 3. Clear procedures to report mistakes or frauds to the superiors and high level executives. 4
หนดทัว่ไป (General Requirements) และใหแ้นว ปฏบิตัเิกีย่วกบัดุลยพนิิจ ความไมแ่น่นอน และขอ้ผดิพลาด (Judgements, Uncertainties and Errors) ►IFRS S1 ก าหนดแนวปฏิบติัเพ่ือใช้อ้างอิงส าหรบัทกุมาตรฐาน IFRS S ►ก า
Accounting Estimate which has to follow the IAS 8: Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors. Such change in estimated useful lives was approved in principal by the Audit Committee’s
Accounting Estimate which has to follow the IAS 8: Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors. Such change in estimated useful lives was approved in principal by the Audit Committee’s
. Reporting Disclose the final company footprint The report should: Be based on best available data at time of publication Acknowledge limitations Communicate any identified past errors Include company’s gross
Nation Multimedia Group Public Co., Ltd. 1858/121-122, 1858/125-128 28th, 30th, 31st Floor, Debaratna Road, Bangna-Tai Sub-District, Bangna District, Bangkok 10260 Tel: 0-2-338-3333 Call Center: 0-2338-3000 Fax: 0-2338-3334 25 May 2020 Subject : Notification on Resolution of the Board of Directors’ Meeting No. 6/2020, Change of Directors and Directors’ Power, Entering into Disposal of Assets Transaction, and Acquisition of Assets Transaction To : Director and Manager The Stoc...