statistical and trend analysis based on historical data. Climate change is a dynamic and uncertain phenomenon and possible mitigation responses are also complex, with many unknowns such as the development and
, Thailand Equity fund Mixed fund Alternative investment fund Country concentration**Foreign investment asset class (TB) **Based on foreign direct investment (unit trust not included) Foreign investment of
, Thailand Equity fund Mixed fund Alternative investment fund Country concentration**Foreign investment asset class (TB) **Based on foreign direct investment (unit trust not included) Foreign investment of
, Thailand Equity fund Mixed fund Alternative investment fund Country concentration**Foreign investment asset class (TB) **Based on foreign direct investment (unit trust not included) Foreign investment of
, Thailand Equity fund Mixed fund Alternative investment fund Country concentration**Foreign investment asset class (TB) **Based on foreign direct investment (unit trust not included) Foreign investment of
, Thailand Equity fund Mixed fund Alternative investment fund Country concentration**Foreign investment asset class (TB) **Based on foreign direct investment (unit trust not included) Foreign investment of
, Thailand Equity fund Mixed fund Alternative investment fund Country concentration**Foreign investment asset class (TB) **Based on foreign direct investment (unit trust not included) Foreign investment of
, Thailand Equity fund Mixed fund Alternative investment fund Country concentration**Foreign investment asset class (TB) **Based on foreign direct investment (unit trust not included) Foreign investment of
, Thailand Equity fund Mixed fund Alternative investment fund Country concentration**Foreign investment asset class (TB) **Based on foreign direct investment (unit trust not included) Foreign investment of
, Thailand Equity fund Mixed fund Alternative investment fund Country concentration**Foreign investment asset class (TB) **Based on foreign direct investment (unit trust not included) Foreign investment of