the businesses operated by the Company or the group of companies which comprises the Company, its subsidiaries and associated companies being operated or to be operated, as the case may be. In this
and nature of the businesses operated by the Company or the group of companies which comprises the Company, its subsidiaries and associates being operated or to be operated, as the case may be. The
supporting system which comprises of the following: (a) personnel or units responsible for supporting of the establishment and management of the fund in all aspects. There shall be orderly systematic
as well as the contacted person as an evidence. The money in which the employer should deliver to the fund comprises of (a.1) saving and contribution payable to the fund (a.2) employer’s surcharge
by the Company or the group of companies which comprises the Company, its subsidiaries and associates being operated or to be operated, as the case may be. The information shall cover at least the
transparent disclosure of information related to execution of trading transactions which includes sufficient, fast and appropriate disclosure of pre-trade information (if any) and post-trade information; (d
which includes sufficient, fast and appropriate disclosure of pre-trade information (if any) and post-trade information; (4) having a recording system regarding trading information, especially information
in the mutual fund management scheme and prospectus: (a) the projection of incomes and expenses of the mutual fund which includes the following information: 1. key assumption applied which is clear and
and disclosed in the mutual fund management scheme and prospectus: (a) the projection of incomes and expenses of the mutual fund which includes the following information: 1. key assumption applied which
Clause 5 (4) : The estimation of the company’s registered and paid up capital sufficiency which can prove that such registered and paid up capital comprises of sufficient amount of working capital reserves