Listed Companies Information Disclosure (ELCID) regarding the change in the use of proceeds from its capital fundraising by allocating 5.58 billion baht to a private placement and initiating a share
placement and initiating a share repurchase project. However, at the time, the total proceeds from the capital fundraising through the private placement had already been fully utilized. Furthermore, STARK
allocating 5.58 billion baht to a private placement and initiating a share repurchase project. However, at the time, the total proceeds from the capital fundraising through the private placement had already
placement and initiating a share repurchase project. However, at the time, the total proceeds from the capital fundraising through the private placement had already been fully utilized. Furthermore, STARK
baht to a private placement and initiating a share repurchase project. However, at the time, the total proceeds from the capital fundraising through the private placement had already been fully utilized