Power Plant Project in the Republic of Indonesia On April 7, 2017, RH International (Singapore) Corporation Pte. Ltd. (“RHIS”), an indirect subsidiary, entered into a Joint Venture Agreement to establish
Braemar Power Projects Company, a subsidiary of Alinta Energy Company. Such Power Purchase Agreement will be expired on December 31, 2030. The other 30 percent of the generated electricity will be sold in
commercial operation in 2020 as scheduled. The project has a 15-year power purchase agreement with Alinta Sales Pty Ltd, a subsidiary of Alinta. 1.9 Share Purchase of Navanakorn Electric Company Limited (Name
(Translation) 1. Significant events of the 3 rd quarter of 2019 1.1 Signing of Power Purchase Agreement of Hin Kong Power Company Limited On July 12, 2019, Hin Kong Power Company Limited, a subsidiary, has
& Device sales reported Bt7,868mn,a increasing 5.5% YoY due to gradual recovery of consumer purchasing power. However, the revenue decreased - 25% QoQ due to seasonality and high base in 1Q24, which included
from 3BBIF. SIM & Device sales reported Bt7,868mn,a increasing 5.5% YoY due to gradual recovery of consumer purchasing power. However, the revenue decreased - 25% QoQ due to seasonality and high base in
Microsoft Word - MD&A Q2-2563_Eng12 Nov 2020 Nov 12, 2020 Subject Management Discussion and Analysis for the period of three months and the period of 1st half ended 30th September 2020 To President
quarter of 2017. The main reasons were as follows:- 2.2.1 The profit of Hongsa Power Company Limited ("HPC"), a joint venture, in a portion of 40 percent increased in the amount of Baht 432.85 million; as
MD&A Y2019 (T) - Final บรษทั ราช กรุป จาํกดั (มหาชน) คําอธบิายรายการและการวเคราะหผลการดาํเนนิงาน และฐานะการเงนของฝายบรหาร สาํหรบัปสิ)นสดุวนัที ่31 ธนัวาคม 2562 คําอธิบายรายการและการวเคราะหผลกา
Company’s direct subsidiary, holds 40 percent stake), the operator of a small power producer in Nava Nakorn Industrial Promotion Zone, invested in an expansion for an addition of 60 megawatts of electricity