Virtual Power Plant (VPP) IFRS Sustainability Standards Capacity Building 28 พฤศจกิายน 2567 | ท าความรูจ้กักบั มาตรฐานการเปิดเผยขอ้มลูดา้นความยัง่ยนื (IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards
Microsoft Word - S_2019_GRC-02_025_S43 Share Acquisition_EN Page 1 – Translation – GRC-02/2019/025 11 December 2019 Subject: Report of the Asset Acquisition To: President The Stock Exchange of
to regulation. 5. Scope of interests of Connected persons KYE and MTC got a joint major shareholders as follows:- - Mitsubishi Electric Corporation holds 9,048,020 shares or 41.13% of the share in KYE
Corporation holds 9,048,020 shares or 45.70% of the share in KYE - Mitsubishi Electric Corporation holds 192,994 shares or 99.99% of the share in MTC 6. Funding Source : Working capital. 7. Directors who was
Corporation holds 9,048,020 shares or 45.70% of the share in KYE - Mitsubishi Electric Corporation holds 192,994 shares or 99.99% of the share in MTC 6. Funding Source : Working capital. 7. Directors who was
syndicated facility agreement approximately AUD 364 million executed on July 15, 2019. The project has a 15-year power purchase agreement with Alinta Sales Pty Ltd, a subsidiary of Alinta. 1.3 Share Purchase
commercial operation in 2020 as scheduled. The project has a 15-year power purchase agreement with Alinta Sales Pty Ltd, a subsidiary of Alinta. 1.9 Share Purchase of Navanakorn Electric Company Limited (Name
electric equipment, and construction of electrical substation. The Company also has 2 subsidiaries engaging in related businesses, which are (1) IGEN Powertech Company Limited (“IGP”), which 51% shares owned
engaged in import and export of equipment used for Electrical Power Systems including research and development to futher expand the investment in electrical engineering, electronic products and electrical
93.5% to 87.5% Utilize waste heat to generate electric power which can replace power consumption at least 25% Using alternative fuel which can replace fossil fuel at least 10% SCG Hybrid Cement can