commissioners to be the Chairman of the meeting. Decisions shall be made at the SEC meeting upon majority vote. Each commissioner is entitled to one vote. In the event of a tied vote, the Chairman of the meeting
commissioners present at the meeting shall elect one of the commissioners to be the Chairman of the meeting. Decisions shall be made at the SEC meeting upon majority vote. Each commissioner is entitled to one
his duty, the subcommittee members present at the meeting shall elect one of them to be the chairman of the meeting. Final resolutions of the meeting shall be made by majority vote. Each subcommittee
his duty, the subcommittee members present at the meeting shall elect one of them to be the chairman of the meeting. Final resolutions of the meeting shall be made by majority vote. Each subcommittee
ทนุท ัง้หมด) VOTE การก ากบัดแูลตลาดหลกัทรพัย์ 5 ก าหนดภารกจิ (regulatory objectives) และหลกัเกณฑใ์นการด าเนนิกจิการของตลาดหลกัทรพัย ์ ในการออกหรอืแกไ้ขระเบยีบ ขอ้บงัคบั ตลาดหลกัทรพัยต์อ้ง รบัฟงัความคดิ
ว่ยลงทนุของ ผูท้ ีเ่ขา้รว่มในการขอมตแิละมสีทิธอิอกเสยีงลงคะแนน (จากเดมิทีต่อ้งไดม้ตเิสยีงขา้งมากของจ านวนหนว่ยลงทนุท ัง้หมด) VOTE การก ากบัดแูลตลาดหลกัทรพัย์ 5 ก าหนดภารกจิ (regulatory objectives) และ
entitled to vote. SECTION 89/14 A director and an executive shall file with the company a report on his interest or a related person’s interest in relation to management of the company or the subsidiary in
. Rules and regulations related to the election of the directors of the Securities Exchange under (3) of the second paragraph shall specify details of knowledge or experience essential to the operation of
objectives; (4) the procedures for admission of members and termination of memberships; (5) the provisions regarding the number of the committee members, the procedures for election and appointment, the term
, the procedures for election and appointment, the term of office, the termination of office, and the meetings of the fund committee; (6) the provisions regarding the employees’ savings and the employer’s