percent of the votes and another with 20 percent. Five direc- tors need to be elected. without a cumulative voting rule, each shareholder must vote separately for each director. the majority shareholder
corporation on a timely and regular basis; 4) participate and vote in general shareholder meetings; 5) elect and remove members of the board; and 6) share in the profits of the corporation. B. Shareholders
meeting with not less than three- quarters (3/4) of all votes of the shareholders attending and having the right to vote at the meeting. Such issuance of shares for debt repayment and the debt to equity
approved by the shareholders meeting with not less than three- quarters (3/4) of all votes of the shareholders attending and having the right to vote at the meeting. Such issuance of shares for debt
. Hiroaki Sano 2. Mr. Narongsak Jivakanun 3. Mr. Tadashi Hiraoka 4. Mr. Yoshihisa Horibe 4 The Board will propose the shareholders’ meeting to re-elect all 4 retiring directors for another term due to their
interest of all shareholders. This may include cumulative voting or the possibility for non-controlling shareholders to directly elect some members of the board. Where cumulative voting has been selected as
the company 3) obtain relevant and adequate information on the company in a timely manner and on a regular basis 4) participate and vote in shareholder meetings to elect or remove members of the board
Sano 2. Mr. Narongsak Jivakanun 3. Mr. Tadashi Hiraoka 4. Mr. Yoshihisa Horibe The Board will propose the shareholders’ meeting to re-elect all 4 retiring directors for another term due to their
related documents, in both Thai and English version, via the company website ( under Investor Relations page, Shareholder Information section and choose item “Shareholders’ Meeting
of Shareholders to omit dividend payment for the year 2019 since the Company had operating losses 5. Propose to the 2020 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to re-elect 4 directors who shall retire