forests are forest areas with many of the principal characteristics and key elements of a native ecosystem, such as complexity, structure and biological diversity, including soil characteristics, flora and
(in concert with natural processes) to provide specific services such as coastal risk reduction and other ecosystem services (e.g., habitat for fish and wildlife). Nature-based features are acted upon
the goal of (1) reducing GHG emissions/increasing sequestration or (2) enhancing adaptation and resilience. Controlled environment agriculture Aquaculture and the farming of fish Supply chain
Wilderness Area, II National Park, III Natural Monument or Feature, IV Habitat/Species Management Area, and V Protected Landscape/ Seascape (IUCN, 2013). Natural ecosystem: An ecosystem that substantially
and Exchange Commission, Thailand (SEC)* 3. Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning (ONEP), Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment 4. Department of Alternative Energy
vaccine at the national level: government continues to lay the foundation for growth that is not only sustainable but also inclusive and friendly to the environment. The second vaccine is at the business
development strategy, aimed at restructuring and revitalizing the Thai economy. “ Creating an Inclusive Environment” In 2017, the Royal Thai Government initiated the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) to be an
promoting a conducive environment for transparent, efficient and fair markets. To achieve its objectives, the SEC oversees the quality of business operators, including their products and services, promotes a
-competitive environment. The revenue recorded at Bt10,064mn, an increase of 19% YoY. AIS focuses on a fixed-mobile- content convergence (FMC) strategy alongside consistent service standards and introducing
effectively. In this exciting environment, companies that are able to adapt themselves are more likely to survive and outperform their counterparts. In anticipation of such developments, VGI was the first