procedures under Section 63, issue rules that are of temporary nature, provided however that, the derivatives exchange has complied with the rules as specified in the notification of the Capital Market
procedures under Section 63, issue rules that are of temporary nature, provided however that, the derivatives exchange has complied with the rules as specified in the notification of the Capital Market
รดำเนินกำรต่ำง ๆ เพือควำมง่ำยในกำรประกอบธุรกิจ (Ease of Doing Business) อำนวยควำมสะดวก ลดระยะเวลำ ลดภำระให้แก่ประชำชนและภำคตลำดทุน รวมทงัยกระดับให้ กระบวนกำรต่ำง ๆ มีควำมโปร่งใสมำกขึน ซึงเป็น
fund of the nature specified by the notification of the Office, the securities company shall prepare financial statements of the private fund pursuant to its actual conditions, and shall comply with the
delegate its duty to other persons except where: (1) the trust instrument provides otherwise; (2) it is a transaction that is not personal in nature and needs no capability of trustee’s profession; (3) it is
not personal in nature and needs no capability of trustee’s profession; (3) it is a transaction that a reasonable prudent owner of the property of the same characteristics as the trust property, who
transaction that is not personal in nature and needs no capability of trustee’s profession; (3) it is a transaction that a reasonable prudent owner of the property of the same characteristics as the trust
positions of officers including retirement shall be in accordance with the regulation specified by the SEC. In case where there is reasonable cause, having taken into account of the position and nature of
เล็กทรอนิกส์มีผลทำงกฎหมำยทีชัดเจน จะส่งผลโดยตรงต่อเศรษฐกิจของประเทศ เนืองจำกกำรใช้ระบบอิเล็กทรอนิกส์จะเป็นกำรปรับปรุง ประสิทธิภำพในกำรดำเนินกำรต่ำงๆ เพือควำมง่ำยในกำรประกอบธุรกิจ (Ease of Doing Business
. In cases where there is a reasonable cause, having taken into account the position and nature of work taken charge by the officers prior to termination of position or duty in the SEC Office, the SEC