governance approach, and those that take a narrower, “green finance” approach focusing primarily on environmental concerns and issues. A core philosophy of sustainable finance is that environmental, social
and constraints to clean growth • Pursuing opportunities for greater climate ambition For more information, visit Shaping High-Quality Environmental Disclosure
, decades. Investing in innovation and future production, developing talent and ensuring robust supply chains are among the many environmental, social and governance (ESG)- related management actions that
following the launch of the ASEAN Green Bond Standards in November 2017, and the ASEAN Social Bond Standards and ASEAN Sustainable Bond Standards in October 2018, there have been issuances of green and
< 100,000 baht Investment policy All types of securities Thai securities > 65% NAV All types of securities Thai securities > 65% NAV SET/mai stocks ESG / ESG Bond / green token > 80% NAV Holding period
stimulates the increasing requirement on climate-related disclosures. • Consumers are more aware of environmental impact Consumers are highly aware of consumption impacts; they would favour products/services
greater market share. KASIKORN ASSET MANAGEMENT CO., LTD. remained at the top of the mutual fund business. KASIKORN LEASING CO., LTD. saw satisfactory lending business volume in line with the overall
income payer shall be responsible for deducting a 15-percent withholding tax from taxable income which shall include (1) a share of profit or any other benefits of the same characteristics derived from the
, social and environmental dimensions, in our belief that sustainable business practices will allow us to attain business goals with sustainable returns over the long term. We are therefore committed to
. enjoyed continually high loan growth. In addition, Muang Thai Life Assurance PCL retained its leadership in the bancassurance business, holding the second largest market share in total premiums. To secure