Microsoft Word - 62-17_Eng_Explanation of the business profit for the quarter 2-2019.DOC FANCY WOOD INDUSTRIES PUBLIC CO., LTD. 357 MU 12 SOI SUKSAWAT84, SUKSAWAT RD., PRASAMUTJADEE, SAMUTPRAKARN
Microsoft Word - 61-12_Eng_Explanation of the business profit for the quarter 2-2018.DOC FANCY WOOD INDUSTRIES PUBLIC CO.,LTD. 357 MU 12 SOI SUKSAWAT84, SUKSAWAT RD., PRASAMUTJADEE, SAMUTPRAKARN
same level as the previous year. - Profit before income tax expenses was down by 32% from 59.7 mil. baht to 40.3 mil. baht mainly due to eroding gross profit from Chemicals business as competition
/2018 Different Sales and service income 796 1,047 -250 -24% 653 924 -271 -29% Cost of sales and services -645 -798 -153 -19% -537 -732 -194 -27% Gross Profit 151 248 -97 -39% 116 193 -77 -40% Other
/2018 Different Sales and service income 707 978 -271 -28% 571 825 -254 -31% Cost of sales and services -591 -707 116 17% -478 -614 136 -22% Gross Profit 116 271 -155 -57% 93 211 -118 -56% Other Income 51
earnings continue to grow which is the highest quarterly profit statistics. The net profit report 226.9 million Baht in Q2/2020. The company had the same amount of collection in the first half of the year
: The Company had profit for the 2nd quarter ended June 30, 2020 in the amount of Baht 6.83 million (earnings per share of Baht 0.68), compared to the same quarter of last year which had profit of Baht
) (38.3) 11.9 31.1 Net fees and service income 177.2 174.0 3.2 1.8 Gain from financial instruments measured at fair value through profit or loss 22.7 1.5 21.2 1,413.3 Gain on investments 148.2 11.2 137.0
Thailand Patkol Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries report the operating results of the period ended 30 September 2020. The Group had sales and service income 676 million baht and net profit 14
million baht. Income from Property rental business plunged by 13%, from 139.2 million baht to 121.1 million baht due to the lower occupancy rate as lease for warehouse expired in Q3 2017. - Gross profit for